Multi Store eCommerce in Udaipur

Expand your Business – Multi-Store eCommerce in Udaipur

Today’s evolution of marketing practices creates threats and opportunities, and the latest trend is to cultivate great customer experiences by providing a multi-store eCommerce in Udaipur where multiple vendors sell products and services, providing users with a one-stop competitive shopping experience.


These platforms are usually run on a common theme–such as supplying products for specific B2B industries or particular customer profiles–but they don’t have to be. Amazon sells products across hundreds of industries and at both the wholesale and retail levels. The benefits of multi-store eCommerce fall into two primary categories: providing great user experiences for customers and generating additional income streams for which there is no need to store inventory, ship products and manage the administrative tasks of the manufacturing process.

B2B eCommerce platforms can foster expanded relationships with their clients, earn commissions on marketplace products and services, and prevent clients from leaving their platforms just because they need to order products from another manufacturer.

The Extraordinary Benefits of a Marketplace

The Multi-store eCommerce in Udaipur is rapidly becoming an indispensable tool for B2B marketing. Manufacturers, distributors, and buying committees prefer to deal with trusted platforms where they can buy all or most of their products from convenient client portals regardless of the original manufacturer. Ecompix is also expertise in ecommerce website design

Multi-vendor marketplace platform-specific benefits:

For the Clients

  • Stores can be client-branded for high-profile customers
  • Catalogs filters automatically so staff can only order company-approved products
  • Access rights/roles for approvals of purchases over a certain dollar value
  • Punch card, re-ordering, bulk ordering, quick orders, re-usable shopping lists make ordering quick and easy across vendors

For Store Owners & Sellers

  • Store owners can get a variety of out-of-the-box and custom features when the marketplace software is robust with other platform software such as CRM, ERP, and custom modules
  • Customized SEO capabilities so that store owners can select their preferred search keywords and meta descriptions
  • Order processing based on each store’s shipping policies and preferred carriers
  • Support for storing and retrieving credit card information securely while complying with government regulations (PCI DSS)
  • Ability to get multiple real-time shipping rates for complex deliveries
  • Full access to customer registration data, wish lists, ordering histories and order-management
  • Custom shopping carts and proprietary checkout processes to differentiate each store
  • B2B and/or B2C support
  • Customized RMA modules for returns and exchanges
  • Also, page templates for the faster product-catalog organization, custom navigation, and product configuration